What is working toward our collective vision?
What is working against it?
With these questions in mind, Blue Sky members and movement leaders co-created this foce field analysis at our 2023 Convening and identified three forces working for our vision: 1) Power Sharing, 2) New Leaders / Community Voice, and 3) Narrative. As we prepare for our next gathering in the Bay Area in October 2024, Blue Sky is hosting a series of virtual Force Forums. Through these sessions, Blue Sky members will engage thought leaders and leverage their own collective experience, wisdom and thinking to impact the forces working for and against us realizing our shared vision – a world where everyone has the right and opportunity to experience meaningful connections to the outdoors that improve the quality of life, health and social wellbeing.
Each Force will be explored in two sessions each: First, thoughts leaders and panelists will frame the issue and lift up information and inspiration shaping this force in the field. Second, Blue Sky members will break into small groups to surface actions they can take toward individual, organizational, and systemic change on the force.
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